1. What was this site made for?
- This site is made for all of you, moviegoers who really love movies and are passionate about movies.
2. What does this site contain?
- This site contains the latest news and updates about movies, TV shows, and DVD/Blu-ray releases.
- You can find our reviews about latest movies being released in theaters, running TV shows,
- and new DVD/Blu-Ray releases. Here you can take the weekly polling with different themes every weekly,
- just like been explained on our home menu. You can also take little of your time to take our survey for
- your critics about this site and you can help us to improve our site so we can deliver you better
- information and layouts. You can join as this site's member and get some privileges!
3. How can I become this site's member?
- You just sign up through our menu. After signing up, there will be a message sent to your e-mail account.
- Click the link in the message and after you click the link, you are officially a member of this site.
4. What are the benefits becoming this site's member?
- You can get 20% on your DVD/Blu-Ray disc purchasing if you buy on our shop and get some prize like
- free movie ticket and free DVD!